5 Secrets To Stop Obsessing Over A Woman

Did you ever caught yourself obsessing over a single woman to the point of losing all other thoughts?

Here’s how to make sure that doesn’t happen anymore…

It’s likely that you’ve probably encountered of “one-itis”.

It’s important to distinguish this idea from the straightforward pursuit of a romantic partnership because it essentially revolves around an infatuation with a single lady.

Naturally, the situation of being entirely controlled by something or someone in your thoughts and, most likely, your behavior, is known as obsession.

It feels like everything in your existence starts to center around that thing or person.

I think it’s obvious that’s nearly never an effective thing.

It severely restricts your capacity to pursue enjoyment in the variety of ways you would normally be able to, in addition to crushing your productivity in the majority of areas of your life.


Obsessions can be and typically form a component of a dependency on drugs or alcohol.

A “one track mind” can also result from being overly fixated on something, like climbing mountains.

Of course, boys are more prone than girls to become obsessed on a single woman.

We frequently feel that way after discovering a woman we’re very smitten with and learning that the sexual relationship is excellent.

It’s crazy how some men let themselves become fixated with a woman that they had only ever adored in pictures.

In any case, allow me to offer you some “very tough love”:

In many respects, being susceptible to this kind of thing is a sign of immaturity—that is, not having acquired enough experience to completely comprehend and, consequently, regulate your own conduct.

The good news is that, should you so choose, you truly do own complete power over your nature.

It is accurate.

It’s also a moment for every one of us to take action on this important subject, as fixation almost always results in negative outcomes such as women losing interest in you, if not outright freaking out.

In light of this, here are five fundamental strategies for maning up, maturing, and choosing the more sophisticated route to greater engagement regarding women.


1.) Having Choices

The first, and simplest, strategy to prevent one lady from taking up all of your mental resources is to, well, be with other women.

You see, I’ve found that fear of losing anything—or anyone, really—is a big contributing element to fixation.

Similar to Snoop Dogg’s constant state of having “his mind on his money and his money on his mind,” you will become more afraid of the worst if you dwell on how miserable your life would be without her or if you blow the one great chance to include her.

And that’s a snowball that is just ready to start rolling, my friend.

Furthermore, it’s strange how obsessive thoughts on a single woman cause you to overanalyze everything.

You begin dissecting everything she says or does in an attempt to find a “deeper” meaning.

In the end, there is a syndromic psychological effect when “analysis paralysis” and loss anxiety are combined. In the end, you develop a mindset where you begin to take everything personally.

I promise you that all of this will quickly drive you insane and make you less appealing.

In the meantime, it’s truly astounding how much better you can handle the ups and downs of dating when you just split your focus among other women—even if they are only “prospective” ones for now.

In that scenario, you just do not have the opportunity to thoroughly examine every single woman’s behavior.


Comparably, since every circumstance is unique, you’re much less inclined to let something a certain woman says or does to have a significant impact on you—that is, to assume that all women may think or act in that manner.

2.) Using Realities to Reduce Excessive optimistic mindset

In our culture, being “enthusiastic and optimistic” is highly valued, isn’t it?

Strangely, negative news doesn’t sell in social settings nearly as frequently as it would on the late-night news, does it?

Our innate tendency to “perceive the best of everybody” leads us to believe that attractive women are all amazing in every aspect.

As I revealed to you in the last section, we have a strange tendency to think negatively about our chances with them, but we also allow this idea to persist.

Seeing the woods for the stands of trees is, as they say, the best course of action here.

Granted, it’s good to extend a helping hand to others, but you also can’t be gullible.

You’ll be a man who thinks clearly, makes better judgments, and even gains greater esteem from those around you the moment you develop the practice of viewing every introduction you make with a new person as a singular event which could have good, neutral, or—yes—non-positive outcomes.

Also, you’ll expend much less energy pursuing relationships that don’t yield results.

Indeed, all of that increases exponentially if you are able to maintain your “wait and see” attitude around attractive ladies.


3.) refraining from Female Idolism

This one is comparable to the previous #2, but it’s more focused than broad. In theory, even the grumpiest, most disdainful son-of-a-gun you’ve encountered could elevate a stunning woman.

I don’t think that “love at first sight” exists. However, I am completely aware of the concept of “the expectation at first sight”.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to fall in love with a woman the moment you lay sights on her, but you can sure as hell start placing a lot of unrealistic demands at her feet.

Of obviously, this can all continue regardless of whether she recognizes it.

This optimism that is laser-focused usually has the accompanying “halo effect”.

Many men are guilty of this.

Whenever a woman is so attractive and gives them so much they will almost refuse to consider the possibility that she is fatally defective, simply not compatible with them, or anything else that makes her less than perfect.

Welcome to the world of why this society practically treats hotties like queens. It’s pretty much what those of us guys who struggle with self control have insisted upon.

I beg you to act differently. Remain calm and patient.

Before you go “all in” on a lady, demand that she prove her greater overall value to you.

After you use this way of thinking and witness the tangible outcomes, you won’t go back.

It will transform your life into one that is considerably less stressed or obsessed.


4.) Shifting From A “Sex-Focused” Perspective

Please bear with me here as this may seem a little esoteric or perhaps subjective.

A man’s primal impulses take precedence over rationality when he is merely interested in “getting some” from a lady.

It is very simple to allow need to rule supreme when a woman is perceived as essentially a means to an end—sexual fulfillment.

As a result, we let that specific primal instinct to run amok, which invites more of them to escape.

“Obsession” is one example of a biological instinct like this.

When a caveman feels he is in need of sex, he will become increasingly agitated until he gets what he desires.

Avoid acting like a primitive human being Learn how to be more self-disciplined than that.

Savor the abundance of feminine gifts that women bring, and see how you begin to delve deeper into a woman’s spirit before becoming overly enamored with the area around her breasts.

5.) Remaining Active

A word of caution This one may seem bad at first, mainly since it’s included in the standard list of advice given to those who have recently been dumped.

Don’t fool yourself, though. It really does help to find other things to do instead of becoming obsessed with a single woman and your relationship with her. It really works wonders.


Adopting this counsel proactively rather than reactively is the key to making it sound less harsh.

In other words, rather than letting yourself get into an obsessive rut in the first place, start interacting with a range of things including other women right away.

Definitely take that route.

Regarding the list I just gave you, let me advise you to exercise caution.

It is unrealistic to expect any one of the five things I suggested to cure you of your inclination to become fixated on a particular woman.

However, I’m confident that if you include all five of them into the way you think and conduct business, a significant shift will occur.

Recall that it’s acceptable to invest far more emotional energy in a lady than you have ever done if you find the right one.

That’s a major component of what makes a relationship happy.

Simply ensure that:

1.) she feels the same way about you.

2.) you never, ever allow yourself to get into a mindset whereby she turns into your “life mission.”

In other words, even in that scenario, you cannot become completely fixated on her.

Women desires to see you as a prospective defender and provider, therefore you have to keep giving her reasons to believe in your enthusiasm and ambition.

However, if she becomes your primary focus, she may suddenly feel as though she must carry you, which won’t work out well.