Marriage Proposal Mistakes

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Did you know that a man once hospitalized his girlfriend trying to propose to her?

It’s true!

He slipped the engagement ring into her shot glass and as they toasted to his speech, she swallowed it!

Now, she survived, but they did need a trip to the emergency room.

In fact, it’s ‘embarrassing yet funny’ proposals like these that remind me of the 5 ways that guys totally DESTROY this precious moment for women by making horrendous mistakes.

Please don’t make these mistakes…


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Whether it’s a party, family get-together or Yankee game, realize that you should never propose to your beloved if she wouldn’t feel comfortable with a public proposal.

Not only may it embarrass her, but she may feel pressured to say “Yes,” only to tell you the truth later.

Bottom line, think about what sort of person your lady is:

Is she shy, cautious or a little reserved?

Then maybe a private proposal is the better way to go.


Some men’s idea of an amazing proposal is slapping together all the “usual” romantic things into one big event and calling it a “marriage proposal.”

Sadly, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

For example:

A man serves the candlelit dinner, presents her flowers, chocolates, a teddy bear and then proposes to her.


I’m sorry, but if you believe your lady deserves the most magnificent experience of her life, then understand that normal “everyday romance” is only good for… everyday romance! ­ not a proposal.

She’ll never admit it, but she’ll most likely be disappointed.


You usually only get one shot at your proposal so you MUST get it right!


No pressure :

D. Always rehearse through the things that could go wrong, create backup plans and please make sure your proposal idea is safe! If you’re creating a more elaborate proposal, you’ll need extra caution.

Physically rehearse through the situations, discover what could go wrong and work out solutions around them.

Get your friends together and brainstorm the sticky situations that could come up on the day. Of course, life is unpredictable and things may change but be prepared the best you can.


Hang on!

You’re probably wondering, “How is spending TOO MUCH money on a proposal a problem?”

Well it all depends.

The problem with money is that it often becomes a substitute for creativity.

As a result, you get a “nice” memorable proposal but nothing that’s “jaw-dropping!”


Now here’s the biggest mistake of them all.

Yes, coming up with creative and original ideas to propose is tough, but it’s a must if you want your moment to be remembered and talked about for years to come!

Your proposal needs to be personalized to your girlfriend.

What are her favorite hobbies, music and interests?

These are the starting points to an incredible proposal that everyone will talk about for years.

While the Eiffel tower, hot air balloons and getting the waiter to bring out the ring on a platter are “okay” ideas, they’re not creative and original enough for the most important and memorable moment of both your lives.

About the author:

Graphics Stock s3x-0616-241Michael Webb is the author of “The Romantic’s Guide To Popping The Question,” a book filled with 101 Creative and Unique Marriage Proposals, hand-picked as award-winning stories from a total of 7,329 entries in his worldwide competition.

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