3 Categories Women Put You In

Women automatically classify you into one of three groups when you approach them, even before you have spoken or taken any action:

I Like Him

I Don’t Like Him


Now that you are familiar with each of the three groups, let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Category #1:

I Like Him:

If you chance to resemble anybody she liked, behave in a style that appeals to her, or if there’s anything else that she finds appealing about you.



You are ahead of everyone else, and it is entirely up to you to take things farther.

This is fantastic, and if you’re an average guy, you should anticipate that about 10% of the ladies you meet will be interested in you.

Category #2:

I Don’t Like Him:

Have you encountered someone and felt uneasy about them for no apparent or valid reason?

You guessed it—women are the same way.

To top it off, most of them include insecure guys and a long list of trivial motives.

there is absolutely nothing that you could possibly say or accomplish to make this woman modify her mind and become attracted towards you if you fall into this category, which at least 10% of the time you will if you’re just an average guy.

Unless you have some unknown on the outside attribute to enhance you steaming ex still after you, famous, wealthy.


Category #3:


If you are an ordinary guy, you will most likely fall into this category approximately 80% of the time.

If you completed your study and research on seduction and how to attract women, this is a great place to be.

Because you may concentrate on generating the attraction and desire in a lady when you are in the Undecided group.

You have excellent news, my friend.

Of course, now is the perfect time for you to organize your affairs so that, when you approach a woman you think might be a potential partner and she muses over a cup of coffee or tea, you can turn that muses into yeses and significantly boost your success rate with women.