Don’t Get Mad – Get Rewarded!

If Athena has a fault, I would have to say it is that she doesn’t have a built-in clock. She sometimes loses track of time.

I, on the other hand, tend to be very aware of the time and am quite punctual.

This trait of hers would be frustrating some times. So we came up with a solution.

Whenever Athena is significantly late, I get a present.

She rewards me for my patience with a wrapped candy, a silly sticker, homemade cookies, a shoulder massage or some other treat.

Now, I don’t get too antsy when she is running late, I look forward to my prize instead.


What sort of things does your spouse do that irritates you?

Do they (or you) curse, smack your chewing gum, leave wet towels on the bed or leave up the toilet seat?

Instead of getting mad, get rewarded!!

The offending party might have to put a quarter or a dollar into the “date night” jar for every offense.

Maybe it is a special “bedroom game” (see some examples here) they play.

The punishment might be relinquishing the remote control for a night or doing one of your chores like loading the dishwasher or taking out the trash.

Just come up with a penalty that makes the situation fun for the both of you.